With the publication of the program for Expo 2022, which will take place from June 29 to July 1, 2022, as a face-to-face event at the RheinMain CongressCenter (RMCC) in Wiesbaden, ZELLCHEMING Service GmbH now starts the countdown to the event, which will be held as a live event again after two years.

“We are very pleased that we have already been able to finalize the planning of the program for the event, which we are all looking forward to with great anticipation,” explains Petra Hanke, Managing Director of ZELLCHEMING Service GmbH. “We expect a very high utilization with participants and exhibitors and will offer a top-class lecture framework for it!”
Practice-relevant program items over three days of the trade fair offer visitors to the ZELLCHEMING Expo the opportunity to obtain targeted information and further training on individual topics and application areas. Presentations will address current approaches of the paper and cellulose fiber-based industry on the way to a climate-friendly bio-economy and will be dedicated to initiatives and lighthouse projects that are also relevant beyond the industry. Exhibitors are involved via best practice applications and the latest technologies for process and product innovation.

The event will kick off on June 29 with a panel discussion entitled: “Awareness for sustainable products”. Here, Dr. Ernst-Ulrich Wittmann, the ZELLCHEMING Chairman, expects politicians and association representatives to be joined by, among others, environmental activist Felix Finkbeiner of “Plant for the Planet”. Finkbeiner founded the global environmental protection movement, which to date has inspired more than 92,000 children in 75 countries to support its goals, in 2008 at the age of nine. At 13, he spoke at the UN General Assembly in New York. He has since been awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany and the International Westphalian Peace Prize for his commitment.

On the second day of the trade show, highlights include the Women4Paper meeting, which is particularly aimed at women in the pulp and paper industry. Four years after its founding during ZELLCHEMING Expo 2018, the network already includes nearly 300 female representatives of the industry. Gabriele Diewald, Professor of German Linguistics at Leibniz University in Hanover, Germany, has been secured for the keynote address, which will focus on the topic of “Gender-equitable language.” This will be followed by keynote speeches from women sharing their experiences in and with this industry, as well as the official launch of the Women4Paper mentoring program, which will start in the fall. The third day will also be devoted to a topic that could hardly be more topical: “Energy, Environment, Climate.” The session will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Helga Zollner-Croll, Vice Chair of ZELLCHEMING:
“Together we want to discuss how economic growth and environmental concerns could be reconciled. After all, achieving sustainability, i.e., combining economic growth with ecological goals, is one of the most important tasks and objectives of our time. I am already looking forward to interesting presentations by speakers who will bring in the perspectives of politics and the association side. In addition, we will incorporate our suppliers’ solutions and hear what approaches start-ups are taking.”
Considering the positive experiences in Virtual Days 2021, ZELLCHEMING will further expand its role as a virtual pioneer and organize Expo 2022 as a hybrid event with digital reach extension. Petra Hanke: “Thus, the ZELLCHEMING Virtual Days will become a Virtual World, a thematic island on the web where all content can be found, partly already before the Expo, in a live stream during the Expo and as a back-up afterwards. In this way, we bring our participants the best of both worlds: The on-site visit can easily be combined with an online login.”
The overview of the program can be found here: ZELLCHEMING_Program
ZELLCHEMING-Expo Website Visitors and exhibitors can find out more about the event on the website: https://www.zellcheming.de/en/events/zellcheming-expo
Regular newsletter
A monthly newsletter will be sent out on current topics related to the ZELLCHEMING Expo until the event: https://www.zellcheming.de/en/events/newsletter
For further information please contact Mrs. Petra Hanke, Phone +49 (0) 6074 – 72 860-45, P.hanke@zellcheming.de
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