Toscotec will take part in the 32nd International Conference and EXPOACOTEPAC 2024 organized by the Colombian Association of Technicians of the Cellulose, Paper, and Cardboard Industry (ACOTEPAC) from 21st to 23rd February in Cali, Colombia.
Gabriele Romanini, Toscotec Sales Manager, will deliver a technical speech on 22nd February titled “Water and Energy consumption Reductions for a more Sustainable tissue making”. The presentation focuses on Toscotec’s latest technological developments in the areas of stock preparation and tissue machine, which boost machine performances, reduce the consumption of water and energy, and subsequently cut down carbon emissions.
ACOTEPAC The Colombian Association of Technicians of the Pulp, Paper and Cardboard Industry
It is a non-profit entity, recognized by the Government of Antioquia on October 2, 1987 and with the Chamber of Commerce of the city of Pereira, whose main objectives are to increase the application of science, engineering and new technologies in the pulp, paper and cardboard industry in Colombia and the Andean area. Likewise, it is integrated into the defense of paper, a renewable and sustainable resource with Colombian state agencies and industrial organizations. It also plays a training role for new generations of engineers and technicians in the P&P sector.
The creation of the Association arose in response to two situations: On the one hand, the great growth in the productive capacity of the sector and on the other, the very limited academic participation of our Universities in the field of paper technology, both situations required adequate preparation. to face what would become a double challenge and had to be prepared to successfully face the future.
Further Information:

Contacts at Toscotec’s booth 27-28-29:
Enrico Fazio, Sales Director, Paper & Board division Toscotec, Email:
Gabriele Romanini, Sales Manager, Tissue division Toscotec, Email:
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