TCON extends SAP DM to handle trim and cutting processes

T.CON’s MES CAT PUBLIC: A Game-Changer for SAP Users

MES CAT PUBLIC Solutions by T.CON extends SAP Digital Manufacturing with key functionality for the mill industry, thereby offering a new alternative to the popular MES CAT 7 PRIVATE as a strong choice for a SAP-based MES system.

SAP Digital Manufacturing seamlessly links shop floor with top floor. A mature Cloud-native solution built on the BTP and using efficient MES processes, it integrates production planning, process monitoring and quality assurance.  However, standard SAP DM does not include functionality oriented to reel and sheet production.

MES CAT PUBLIC Solutions by T.CON changes that. T.CON’s current customer projects shift SAP Digital Manufacturing onto a new level, making it fit for the mill industry.

For example, an ongoing project for one customer is integrating core functions such as reel cutting into SAP DM. This means that cutting plans, parallel goods receipt postings, edge trim and alternative measurement units are now all understood by SAP DM.

T.CON extends SAP DM to handle trim and cutting processes
SAP Digital Manufacturing seamlessly links shop floor with top floor

No business segment, no business, and no production process is the same as the next. Customers in the mill industry now have alternatives for their SAP-based MES:

  1. MES CAT 7 PRIVATE offers a perfect balance of independence and cutting-edge technology, without compromising on applications and usability. MES CAT 7 remains the number 1 specialist for the mill industry.
  2. MES CAT PUBLIC Solutions enhances a BTP Cloud-based SAP DM system with customer-specific choices from the functionality that T.CON has been offering in MES CAT for over twenty years. Offering mature processes for these production segments, this solution is of particular interest for IT strategies that are based fully on SAP-native software, or for customers who work with different modes of production.

If you think MES CAT PUBLIC Solutions could be of interest for you, please get in touch! 

Michael Karl Product Lead MES CAT

Michael Karl
Product Lead MES CAT – Visit: T.CON

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Ian Horne