T.CON on what the EU Green Deal and EUDR in particular mean for companies
The EU's Green Deal is a comprehensive action plan that aims to achieve climate neutrality in the member states by 2050 join the discussion with expert advice from T.Con.
The EU's Green Deal is a comprehensive action plan that aims to achieve climate neutrality in the member states by 2050 join the discussion with expert advice from T.Con.
Navigator Paper's PM 1 and PM 3 run with seamed press felts in all positions for the first time, also in news Flow Link Systems wins award for renewable energy initiatives.
ANDRITZ has successfully started up a new pulp mill for the Brazilian pulp producer Suzano, when fully operational, it will be the world’s largest single-line eucalyptus pulp mill.
Renova selects Toscotec for the complete rebuild of PM6’s Yankee hoods and air system at their Torres Novas facility near Lisbon the rebuild is planned for 2024.
Radix and Cognite's strategic partnership utilizes Hybrid Intelligence and AI to streamline data management to deliver optimal asset performance for industry.
Adami Group commissions Voith to build a complete OCC BlueLine stock preparation plant with 4.0 technology with commissioning planned for October 2025.
Sofidel makes a significant step to accelerate its growth in North America. The group has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Clearwater Paper Corporation's tissue business.
With the development of an integrated system, Voith is now taking the next step towards the autonomous paper mill. Intelligent, holistic solutions connect all applications.
Runtech Systems delivers a RunEco vacuum system to Hinojosa Paper Alquería, Spain, delivery includes an EP600 Turbo Blower, an industrial blower and EcoSep and EcoDrop water separation.
With its new deinking solution for UV-printed labels, Siegwerk once again underlines its commitment to drive the recyclability of packaging in the sense of a Circular Economy.
A FabriClean cleaning system from IBS Paper Performance Group on a paper machine for Fluting and Testliner, can massively reduce water consumption for press felt cleaning.
Voith, presents its optimized LC (low-consistency) pulping system for recycled paper with the focus on improving efficiency and reducing costs.
The new IntensaPump from Voith is designed for blockage-free pumping of stock flows with a high proportion of contaminants it also enables increased pumping capacity.
Stora Enso has signed a new EUR 435 million bilateral loan with the European Investment Bank (EIB) to support the its growth in renewable, fiber-based consumer packaging board.
Toscotec has been certified to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 50001:2018 energy management system.