New AFT MaxEdge refiners start-up at Pehart Group tissue mills

New AFT MaxEdge refiners start-up at Pehart Group tissue mills 

AFT is pleased to announce two more successful MaxEdge™ refiner installations and start-ups. As part of a refining upgrade project for the Pehart Group in Romania, AFT has replaced old refiners with MaxEdge150 disc refiners on the tissue machines at the Petresti and Dej mills.

Based in Romania, Pehart Group is one of the largest paper manufacturers in South-Eastern Europe, with a presence in 18 European countries, producing tissue for both industrial applications and home use.

The new refiners are a key part of the energy efficiency program that the Pehart Group announced earlier this summer. Unique features of the MaxEdge refiner include customized AFT Finebar® MiniSegments™ for optimum quality development at lower energy, and up to 3x longer life than conventional refiner plates.

AFT’s delivery to the mills included AFTLinx™ technology, along with refiner instrumentation to monitor segment performance throughout their lifetime. AFTLinx technology is an IoT gateway that collects equipment-specific operating data, allowing our specialists to conduct real-time diagnostics and optimize refiner performance.

Get to know the MaxEdge refiner:

S Refining-AFT MaxEdge system 2
S Refining AFT MaxEdge system 2

About AFT

AFT is a global supplier specialized in stock preparation, screening, refining and paper machine approach flow systems. With over a century of experience, we offer expert solutions that help mills produce more while using less energy, water and chemicals.  Our solutions are tailored to the customer’s furnish, their application and the end product being produced in order to optimize their return on investment.  For more information, please contact us at

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