Metsä Group is starting a new discussion series on forest management and wood use

Metsä Group wants to listen to different views on forests. Metsä Group challenges industry experts to discuss the future of nature, the forestry sector and the entire nation. In addition to climate and diversity, forests talk about economic and employment perspectives. Constructive dialogue is needed perhaps more than ever.

The video series “It’s time for discussion” to be released now brings experts to a round table led by presenter Baba Lybeck to discuss forest management, wood use, carbon sinks, diversity, forest protection and forest ownership.

In the first discussions, the fight against climate change, safeguarding the diversity of forests and the sustainable use of forests will be discussed. The topics will be discussed by the Secretary General of the World Meteorological Organization, Doctor of Meteorology Petteri Taalas , Chairman of the Finnish Nature Panel, Professor of Ecology Janne Kotiaho and Metsä Group CEO Ilkka Hämälä .

We also learn about the daily life of forest owners and hear, among other things, what kind of goals forest owners have set for their forests and what forest owners can do in their forests to curb climate change and nature loss. In the studio, the forest owners Katariina Latva and Mikko Alhainen, as well as Aino Juslén , director of the Nature Solutions Unit of the Finnish Environment Institute , and Timo Lehesvirta , Metsä Group’s leading nature expert, are talking.

“We want to increase constructive and versatile discussion and be actively involved in it,” says Metsä Group’s communications director Juha Laine . “Open discussion helps to find solutions to even complex issues, and consideration of different points of view is a prerequisite for achieving a more sustainable future”.

Watch the discussions and listen to the podcasts here .

Metsa conversation group

More information:
Juha Laine, Director of Communications, Metsä Group, tel. 010 465 4541

Metsä Group

Metsä Group shows the direction of the bioeconomy. We invest in growth, the development of organic products and a fossil-free future. The raw material of our products is renewable wood from sustainably managed forests in the north. In our business, we focus on the growth areas of the forest industry: wood procurement and forest services, wood products, pulp and virgin fiber boards, as well as tissue and compact papers.

Metsä Group’s annual turnover is approximately EUR 6 billion, and we employ approximately 9,500 people in a total of 30 countries. The roots of our international group are in the Finnish forest – Our parent company is the Metsäliitto Osuuskunta of almost 100,000 forest owners.

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