ISRA VISION Inspection systems with new LiveView feature

The proven inline inspection systems from ISRA VISION can now be enhanced with a new feature: the new LiveWebView feature for PrintSTAR and LiveSheetView for CartonSTAR. This live view capability continuously displays the complete printed image that is currently undergoing inspection on a dedicated screen, making it far easier to manage and check the printed image.

Real-time monitoring of the current printed image

Using high-resolution line cameras combined in conjunction with ultrabright LED lighting, PrintSTAR 100% inline inspection systems detect both individual and recurring defects in flexible packaging in real-time. With its inline inspection system CartonSTAR, ISRA VISION also offers a solution for demanding quality and process control of the printed image on corrugated board surfaces.

The new LiveWebView and LiveSheetView functions now enable operators to monitor the print process in even greater detail thanks to precise live images. The inspected printed image is displayed on a separate monitor; users can then zoom in and out of the current image in order to take a closer look at specific areas while production is still in progress. The image size corresponds to the length of the up and the material width.

Faster makeready

The feature can be integrated into an inspection system in no time at all. It then not only minimizes print errors and unnecessary contamination on the roller but also assists the operator during the makeready process. The uninterrupted insight into the press granted by LiveWebView and LiveSheetView can be used to monitor register behavior – making the costly and time-consuming process of stopping the printing press for fine-tuning a thing of the past.

Extensive benefits for the user

The improved monitoring possibilities offered by the live images significantly help the printer when identifying defects. Thanks to the user-friendly interface (GUI) and the intuitive controls, the new monitoring function on the monitor can be used immediately. The printed image can be observed on the monitor – live and, due to the zoom functions, with the very highest level of precision. Accordingly, LiveWebView for PrintSTAR and LiveSheetView for CartonSTAR are a great help for printers when setting up the press.

Knowing the amountand form of individual defects is also a key factor in detecting defective material at an early stage. This significantly reduces waste and reduces costs. All in all, the new live view feature further raises both process reliability and error-free production volume. Because of the realized savings, the ISRA VISION inspection system generally pays for itself within a very short time.

With the new LiveWebView and LiveSheetView functions for the PrintSTAR and CartonSTAR inspection systems operators can now monitor the print process in even greater detail thanks to precise live images The new feature of the PrintSTAR and CartonSTAR inspection systems displays the inspected printed image on a separate monitor

For further information contact:

Birgit Radlinger
Phone: +49 (6151) 948-642

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