BTG launches the Single Point Freeness (SPF 5500), a new generation of drainage meter that provides information on the freeness, or the degree of dewatering and disintegration of pulp fibers in the suspension.
This new instrument can be used at high process pressures (up to PN 25) and with a consistency up to 12%. It is
also cloud ready, making it an instrument usable in many different applications, and allowing remote analysis.
BTG has 50 years of experience in freeness measurement and is proud to be a true partner, helping its customers
using data from their world class units to build a strong value proposition, and eventually impacting energy costs.

BTG Group is a multinational provider of integrated, highly specialized process solutions for the global pulp and paper industry. BTG is committed to helping its customers achieve significant, sustainable gains in business performance.
For more information, please contact: Estelle Meyer – BTG Eclépens S.A –
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