TCON Best of Breed vs Best of Suite A decision guidance on how to find your ideal IT architecture

Best of Breed vs. Best of Suite – A decision guidance on how to find your ideal IT architecture

Specialization software or one-size-fits-all? Let’s have a look at what needs be considered to path the way for optimum digitalization results.

Before selecting the right expert software, CIOs and IT managers often face the challenge of having to decide for the most promising approach regarding the IT architecture. As it lays the foundation for any subsequential software choice, the advantages and disadvantages of all architecture options need to be considered carefully. While there certainly is no one ideal solution that fits every company, the approaches are presented in the following short decision guide by T.CON.

So, what are the fundamental concepts to choose from? In short, the software industry distinguishes between two of them: Some corporations go for what is called Best of Breed, whereas others favor Best of Suite.

Getting to know the concepts

Best of Suite refers to a software suite or an integrated collection of applications that is considered a complete solution, providing all the necessary functions and applications in a single software package. Such a suite may contain various modules or applications that work seamlessly together to provide a comprehensive solution. Examples of suite applications include Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), or Human Capital Management (HCM). The goal is for the organization to have all the required functions and applications within a single software, leading to better integration and compatibility.

On the other hand, Best of Breed refers to the approach of selecting and implementing each application or function separately to find the best possible solution for a specific requirement. It may involve using multiple independent applications within an organization to provide a comprehensive solution. For example, an organization may use one vendor’s CRM system and another vendor’s accounting system. The goal is for the organization to have the flexibility to choose the best available solution for each specific requirement.

Discover the pros and cons in our new whitepaper
T.CON has created a decision guide which is now available for download. In there, we take a more detailed look at the concepts Best of Breed and Best of Suite, their benefits and limitations, and what they have in common with the comparison of a Formula 1 racing car and a family van.

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Ian Horne