Save up to 500.000 € annually with a complete inspection system
Reliable surface inspection technology for the paper, board and tissue industry with ISRA VISION PAPER MASTER 4.0 and 100% optical inspection to increase your yield.
Reliable surface inspection technology for the paper, board and tissue industry with ISRA VISION PAPER MASTER 4.0 and 100% optical inspection to increase your yield.
The next large bioproduct mill components requiring special transport will be moved from the port of Ajos to the mill’s construction site during May and July 2022.
The new Valmet roll cover’s wear-resistant material and structure are developed to cope with harsh operating conditions in tissue production, leading to longer lifetime and energy savings.
In Paper or Tissue Making, the Wet End is an area where there are always many opportunities for improvement... interested in knowing more? Thurs 9th June 9AM / 4pm (CET)
Specialty paper manufacturer Cartiere di Guarcino selected Toscotec for the rebuild of PM2 at its Guarcino paper mill the project is scheduled for December 2022.
ANDRITZ has successfully started up an environmentally friendly production plant for dissolving pulp at Bracell’s “STAR” project in Lençóis Paulista, São Paulo.
Voith Paper launches sustainability program "Papermaking for Life" and invests around 100 million euros per year to achieve the most sustainable and efficient paper production.
ANDRITZ has successfully started up ahead of schedule key pulping process equipment for Sun Paper’s new pulp mill in Beihai, China,
ZELLCHEMING now starts the countdown to the event with the publication of the program for Expo 2022, which will take place from June 29 to July 1st at the RheinMain CongressCenter in Wiesbaden,
Hinojosa Packaging Groups Circular Economy model allows it to reintegrate almost all of its waste as raw materials into the value chain.
Stora Enso has divested its three corrugated packaging plants in Russia. The Company’s Lukhovitsy, Arzamas and Balabanovo packaging plants.
Metsä Fibre, part of Metsä Group, will take over the maintenance operations of its production units as part of its own organisation.
ANDRITZ has received an order from the Spanish pulp and paper producer Papelera Guipuzcoana de Zicuñaga to deliver a new LimeFlash-H lime kiln for its pulp mill in Hernani, Spain.
ANDRITZ has received an order from the Swedish pulp and paper producer BillerudKorsnäs to deliver a LimeDry lime mud filter at its Frövi/Rockhammar pulp mill.
Metsä Tissue, have received the highest Platinum rating for the third time in a row in EcoVadis sustainability and social responsibility evaluation.